CHI-NOG 08 Registration – OPEN

CHI-NOG 08 Registration – OPEN

Eventbrite - Chicago Network Operators Group (CHI-NOG 08)

We are very happy to announce that early bird registration is open for CHI-NOG 08 (May 10th). Make sure to secure your ticket early on and save. As the CHI-NOG community keeps on growing, we are expecting over 300-350 attendees.  With your registration:

  • See captivating and interesting presentations anywhere from 8 to 12 speakers discussing the latest industry trends and technology. Please see our archives for past presentations while we work on the current agenda.
  • Each attendee with regular registration will also receive another cool CHI-NOG t-shirt.
  • Registration includes breakfast, refreshments, lunch and an open bar social.
  • Provide networking opportunity with peers in the region.

Our registration will be split into three phases: Early BirdRegular and Last Call. Registration will also include a Group discount of 3 and more. Please make sure to register early to reserve your spot. Every year we fill out quickly to full capacity so please don’t wait.

Ticket Price Dates
Early Bird $95.00 Feb 28th – March 27th
Regular $115.00* March 28th – April 23rd
Last Call $150.00* April 24th – May 9th
Group Discount $90.00 Limited number with minimum group of 3+. Feb 27 – April 6th

* Prices could change but unlikely so don’t wait.

Our Call for Presentation (CFP) is closed. If you would like to present, please submit your talk at We are also looking for few more sponsors, if you or your company is interested in reaching a very distinct group of audience please contact us at sponsoring @

Looking forward to see everyone. Please make sure to pass it along and bring your colleagues and friends.

Eventbrite - Chicago Network Operators Group (CHI-NOG 08)