Tom Kacprzyński, Committee Chair
Tom (CCIE#36159) is a network professional currently working as a senior network engineer in Chicago, IL. He has over 15 years of experience working with enterprise and service provider networks. Currently working for a major cloud and hosting provider. Tom is also the co-founder and organizer of CHI-NOG. As an experienced senior network engineer able to strategically think outside of common constraints. Tom has been involved with other industry organizations such as the OPEN-IX program committee.
Brian McGahan
Brian (CCIEx4 #8593, CCDE #2013::13) at the age of 20, earned his first CCIE in Routing & Switching and became known as the “youngest engineer in the world.” He continued on to earn CCIE certifications in Security, Service Provider, and Data Center, as well as CCDE (Design) certification. Brian has developed and taught for INE since 2002, setting the bar for CCIE training and helping thousands of engineers obtain their own certifications. When he is not developing new products for INE, Brian McGahan consults with large ISPs and enterprise customers. Brian is also the co-founder of CHI-NOG.
Jason Gooley
Jason, CCIEx2 (RS,SP) #38759, is a very enthusiastic engineer that focuses on network and data center design. He has over 18 years of experience in the industry. Jason currently works at Cisco as a Systems Engineer and holds two expert level CCIE certifications. He is very passionate about helping others in the industry succeed. In addition, Jason is also a Cisco Press Author, CCIE mentor, trainer and blogger for Cisco Systems.