CHI-NOG 10 – COVID-19 – Update

The annual CHI-NOG conference has been one of the most anticipated local gatherings of network operators in the Midwest region since 2010. At this time we are making the difficult decision to postpone this year’s 10th anniversary celebration that was scheduled for Thursday, May 28, 2020 at the Holiday Inn Mart Plaza. Given the CDC’s recommendations and our local government’s current restrictions, we feel that this decision is in the best interest of our community and staff’s well-being.
We will provide as many updates as we can over the next few weeks. Our plan is to move the event to a later date this year.
This is truly an unprecedented time for our community and the world at large. We wish everyone good health as we work together to bring back a sense of normalcy.
Warm regards,
Tom Kacprzynski
CHI-NOG | Chicago Network Operators Group