CHI-NOG 04 Highlights
CHI-NOG 04 was an another very successful event. This being only our 4th event, the popularity keeps on growing. We had over 60 people attend, filling up the room all the way including standing rooms at the Chicago Board of Trade building. This was our first event with three major sponsors, supporting the CHI-NOG community. Thanks to AMS-IX Chicago, ServerCentral and IIX. Please make sure to let them know how much you appreciate their support. It was the very first meeting where we had the first ever CHI-NOG t-shirts and sponsored social networking event.
Our speakers did an awesome job engaging the audience with their original presentations. All of the slides (pdf)have been uploaded on our website and can be found at
If you couldn’t attend CHI-NOG 04 or missed one of the sessions, you can see all videos at To select specific presentation click on the playlist button on the top right, or watch the whole event.
The event’s photos are available online as well at
Thank you for everyone who filled out our feedback survey. If you didn’t have a chance, please go to and fill it out. It will remain open until the end of this week. We have published the survey’s response summary at CHI-NOG 04 Survey Responses.
Next event will be in the first quarter of 2015. We are planning a full day conference. An overwhelming majority of 97% attendees responded that they would be interested in attending full day conference. Please stay tuned to find out specific dates and agenda. We will start looking for sponsors of CHI-NOG 05 soon. If you know of anyone interested sponsoring please contact us via
In the meanwhile consider contributing to the community blog or think about potential presentation topics.
Great seeing everyone and looking forward to the next year.