CHINOG 05 Highlights

CHINOG 05 Highlights

CHI-NOG 05 was our most successful event so far. This being only our 5th event and we were able to double our attendance. The popularity keeps on growing, we had over 135 attendees, filling up the room from with guests from Midwest, West/East coast and abroad. This was our first full day program with great line up of speakers.

Our speakers did an awesome job engaging the audience with their original presentations. All of the slides (pdf) have been uploaded on our website and can be found at

If you couldn’t attend CHI-NOG 05 or missed one of the sessions, you can see all of the videos at To select specific presentation click on the playlist button on the top left, or watch the whole event.

Make sure to check out our highlights video:

All of the event’s photos were uploaded to the new facebook page and can be found at

We would like to thank the program committee for their outstanding job: Brian McGahan, Jason Gooley, Jason Craft and Tom Kacprzynski. Additionally, thanks to the sponsors for all of their support: ServerCentral (Diamond); Nexum, AMS-IX Chicago and Juniper (Gold); Corero, United Internet Exchange and Cumulus Networks (Silver); CAPS LLC (Bronze). Please make sure to let them know how much you appreciate their support.

Please stay tuned to find out the date of the next conference. In the meanwhile if you know of anyone interested in presenting or sponsoring please contact us via

Great seeing everyone and looking forward to the next time.


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